Research Papers
Reproduction of R. Rucker's vision of space-time.
Ovid Jacob,
Some Thoughts on Algebraic Graph Theory,
December 1999.
Mark Mosko and Ovid Jacob,
k-Server Model,
March 1999.
Ovid Jacob, Scaling Laws in Wide Area Network Traffic, March 1998.
Ovid Jacob and Ronald J. Adler,
Null Surfaces, Initial Values and Evolution of Spinor Fields,
SLAC-PUB-7026, pp. 21, May 1995, J. Math. Phys.
, (3), 1091, (1996).
Ronald J. Adler and Ovid Jacob,
Null Surfaces, Initial Values and Evolution of Scalar Fields,
SLAC-PUB-7025, pp. 18, March 1995.
Ronald J. Adler, Brendan Casey and Ovid C. Jacob,
The Vacuum Catastrophe (alias the Cosmological Constant Problem) for Undergraduates,
Amer. Jour. Phys.
, 620, (1995).
Ovid Jacob,
When are Zero Modes Important ?
Phys. Lett.
, 101 (1995).
Ovid Jacob,
Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints II: Perturbation Theory and Renormalization,
SLAC-PUB-64XX, pp.21 March 1994, Phys. Rev.
3017 (1995).
Ovid Jacob,
Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints : The Abelian Case,
Phys. Rev.
5289 (1994).
Ovid Jacob,
Manifestly Parity Covariant Quantization of Quantum Field Theories
Mod. Phys. Lett.
3219 (1994).
Ovid Jacob,
Zero Modes in a c=2 Matrix Model,
Phys. Lett.
149 (1994).
Ovid Jacob and Leonard Kisslinger,
Phys. Lett.
323 (1990).
Ovid. C. Jacob and Leonard S. Kisslinger, Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 225 (1985).
Ovid Jacob,
Relation between Null-Surface Quantization and the Characteristic Initial Value Problem,
SLAC-PUB-69XX, pp.18, January 1995.
Ovid Jacob,
Comment on "Equivalence of Light-Front and Covariant Field Theory" ,
SLAC-PUB-68xx pp.5 , December 1994.
Ovid Jacob,
Regularization Schemes for Null-Surface Quantization of Gauge Field Theories ,
SLAC-PUB-68XX pp.21, December 1994.
Ovid Jacob,
Null-Surface Quantization of Gauge Field Theories without Gauge Constraints ,
SLAC-PUB-67XX pp. 9, November 1994.
Ovid Jacob,
Null-Surfaces Quantization of Quantum ChromoDynamics in the Heavy Quark Limit: The Quantum ChromoDynamics Renormalization Constants,
SLAC-PUB-69xx, pp.22, September 1994.
Ovid Jacob,
Null-Surfaces Quantization of Quantum ChromoDynamics in the Heavy Quark Limit: Leading 1/m_Q Calculation,
SLAC-PUB-68xx, pp.21, August 1994.
Ovid Jacob,
Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints III: The Schwinger Model,
SLAC-PUB-65XX, pp.14, June 1994.
Ovid Jacob ,
Heavy Quark Effective Theory of Quantum ChromoDynamics in Light-Cone Quantization,
SLAC-PUB-63XX, pp.11, July 1993.
Ovid Jacob,
Non-Trivial Topological Aspects of Quantum ChromoDynamics in Light-Cone Quantization,
SLAC-PUB-60XX, pp.12, April 1993.
Ovid Jacob and Dharam Ahluwalia,
Spin-Dependent Form Factors in j=3/2 Composites ,
SLAC-PUB-58XX, August 1992.
Ovid Jacob ,
Parity-Conserving Light-Cone Quantization of Quantum Field Theories,
Ovid Jacob ,
Discrete Symmetries for the Bound State Problem of Positronium in Light-Cone Quantization ,
SLAC-PUB-58xx, pp. 14, May 1992.
Ovid Jacob and Alex Langnau,
An Effective Kernel Method for Positronium in Light-Cone Quantization,
SLAC-PUB-57xx, pp.19, February 1992.
Ovid Jacob ,
Constrained Light-Cone Quantization Applied to 1+1-Dimensional Field Theories: I. The Yukawa Model,
SLAC-PUB-52XX, pp.12, June 1992.
Ovid Jacob,
A Light-Cone Model for Mesons with Definite Angular Momentum,
SLAC-PUB-56XX, pp. 21, August 1990 .
Ovid C. Jacob and Leonard S. Kisslinger ,
Confining Bethe-Salpeter Equation: A Light-Front Formalism,
in "QCD, Theory and Experiment," Edited by B. A. Campbell, A. N. Kamal, F. C. Khanna, M. K. Sundaresan, World Scientific Publishing, 1988.
Leonard S. Kisslinger and Ovid C. Jacob,
A Confining Light-Cone Bethe-Slapeter Equation ,
in "Nuclear and Particle Physics on the Light-Cone," Edited by Mikkel Johnson and Leonard S. Kisslinger , World Scientific Publishing, 1988.
(To Physics Research)
Reproduction from J. Campbell's
Occidental Mythologies.
Copyright © 1994-today Ovid C. Jacob