Me at San Jose State University, San Jose CA, October, 1994
We start this part with the account of the creation of the World given by
the Lurianic School. In the beginning there was
the Ayin,
the Nothing, which we cannot imagine. There was then
the Ayin
Sof, the Infinite, the Without End almost equally unimaginable.
Ein Sof Or , the Light without End, was the first
manifestation of the Divine in a way we can attempt to try to imagine!
This Ein Sof Or filled all existence. Out of the
Infinite which existed,
Void (vacuum) Tehiru was brought
into being. Then,
Tzimtzum, Contractions, allowed the
Void to create Vessels out of the Infinte Void, which Vessels filled It.
These Vessels were filled with the Ein Sof Or . But They
could not contain this Light, Without End,
so that the Void became unstable. This led to
the breaking,
Shattering Shebirah of the Vessels. Sparks
were sent off in all directions. These fragments of the Vessels containing
bits of the Ein Sof Or are the Shells or
Qillipot. They are thought as evil since they are
preventing the other parts of the Divine Light from returning. This process
is referred as Light or energy Falling into Matter.
Our task is to heal
Tikkun , Repair the World, to find the
Sparks of the Ein Sof Or in the Husks of the Material
World. We need to raise them to their Divine Source. This is
Tikkun HaParzufim , the Healing of the Face (of God),
as we are doing
the Tikkun HaOlam , Healing the World.
Let us give now the account of the Big Bang of physics. At the very beginning, we don't know what there was. A singularity in space-time created the World and space-time itself. The conditions were singular, or mathematically very ill-defined, so that we can't really try to attempt to talk about the point at time=0! We imagine that infinte amounts of energy were coming out, as that infinte singularity in space-time was being transformed into infinte amounts of matter. So this explosion propelled out matter and energy, thus giving rise to the Hubble expansion we are still observing today. To see what happened, we start observing the Universe just after the Big Bang, at time t=10^-40 s, when we are more confident of our mathematical formalism. I will use Weinberg's idea of looking at frames at different times, observing what's in the World.
We find very interesting parallels in these two models of Creation. What I find amazing is the long time that separates them and their striking similarities: the Lurianic Creation was developed in the 1600's, the Big Bang this century.